
Monday, August 27, 2012

RAZ KIDS | RAZ KIDS READING LEVELS features a wide variety of interactive e-books. n. Raz-Kids is an online program where students read or listen to books and have the option of recording themselves reading the book so teachers, students, and parents can listen for fluency. As students read books at their reading level and improve reading fluency and comprehension, they are given more challenging books to read. Teachers will be provided with assistance in setting up and managing their Raz-Kids account. Students will be given two half hour sessions in the computer lab once a week to use  Raz-Kids. The students will also be provided with information for accessing the program at home. Students participating in the program will have their  RIT scores on the MAP assessment reviewed to see if they improve each trimester at a rate greater than those not using Raz-Kids. In order for students to become proficient readers, they need to read books at their independent reading level, hear fluent readings as well as be instructed in materials at their instructional level. Teachers who subscribe to Raz-Kids are given an account to set up each student in their class with log-on information, a password, and a starting reading level for each child. When students enter the program they are given a wide range of stories at that reading level. Students are able to choose books that they are interested in so they can be excited about reading. First, the student listens to the book on the computer being read to them using correct fluency. The teacher is also able to read many reports on the success and challenges the students  are having. Reports show how often a child logged onto Raz-Kids, how many books where read, and how he/she scored on the quizzes. The goal of integrating the reading program, Raz-Kids, into instruction is to improve students’ reading abilities while promoting reading at the students’ appropriate reading level. features a wide variety of interactive e-books. n. Raz-Kids is an online program where students read or listen to books and have the option of recording themselves reading the book so teachers, students, and parents can listen for fluency. As students read books at their reading level and improve reading fluency and comprehension, they are given more challenging books to read. Teachers will be provided with assistance in setting up and managing their Raz-Kids account. Students will be given two half hour sessions in the computer lab once a week to use Raz-Kids. The students will also be provided with information for accessing the program at home. Students participating in the program will have their
RIT scores on the MAP assessment reviewed to see if they improve each trimester at a rate greater than those not using Raz-Kids. In order for students to become proficient readers, they need to read books at their independent reading level, hear fluent readings as well as be instructed in materials at their instructional level. Teachers who subscribe to Raz-Kids are given an account to set up each student in their class with log-on information, a password, and a starting reading level for each child. When students enter the program they are given a wide range of stories at that reading level. Students are able to choose books that they are interested in so they can be excited about reading. First, the student listens to the book on the computer being read to them using correct fluency. The teacher is also able to read many reports on the success and challenges the students are having. Reports show how often a child logged onto Raz-Kids, how many books where read, and how he/she scored on the quizzes. The goal of integrating the reading program, Raz-Kids, into instruction is to improve students’ reading abilities while promoting reading at the students’ appropriate reading level.

Sunday, August 26, 2012


In this review, the Raz-Kids online reading program gets a "thumbs up" in the classroom or homeschool, for its fun, interactive and motivating. Raz-kids allows teachers to easily create homework and an incentive for reading. Linked to (they share some of the same books also), Raz-kids allows you and students to see/hear the book read out loud, to record yourself RAZ reading (with vocabulary and pronunciation help), to print some worksheets linked to the book and to take an online quiz. As a teacher, you can see your students' progress charts, quiz scores, etc. When the RAZ students complete all their tasks, they get points which can be used to "buy" things for their "raz rocket".  Assigning the work can be tricky, as there's a lot of clicking around to be done (you choose the sequence, which can be time-consuming if you individualize instruction like we do). And at about $80 a year, this is also expensive but worth it if you want to encourage reading and help RAZ kids learn that RAZ homework can be fun too. On December 3, Learning A-Z and Wilson K-8 in Oro Valley, AZ formally launched the Wilson "Cool School" RAZ Reading Challenge. But the reading challenge was only part of this pilot partnership. Since then, Wilson RAZ students have already read more than 15,000 books and we've worked closely with their team to train teachers and monitor student progress. "The students benefit because Raz-Kids is so interactive, and this is such an interactive generation," said 1st grade teacher, RuthAnn Smithrud. Two groups of 4th graders even did science fair experiments, testing the positive impact Raz-Kids is having across Wilson's 4th grade. RAZ

In this review, the Raz-Kids online reading program gets a "thumbs up" in the classroom or homeschool, for its fun, interactive and motivating. Raz-kids allows teachers to easily create homework and an incentive for reading. Linked to (they share some of the same books also), Raz-kids allows you and students to see/hear the book read out loud, to record yourself RAZ reading (with vocabulary and pronunciation help), to print some worksheets linked to the book and to take an online quiz. As a teacher, you can see your students' progress charts, quiz scores, etc. When the RAZ students complete all their tasks, they get points which can be used to "buy" things for their "raz rocket".

Assigning the work can be tricky, as there's a lot of clicking around to be done (you choose the sequence, which can be time-consuming if you individualize instruction like we do). And at about $80 a year, this is also expensive but worth it if you want to encourage reading and help RAZ kids learn that RAZ homework can be fun too.
On December 3, Learning A-Z and Wilson K-8 in Oro Valley, AZ formally launched the Wilson "Cool School" RAZ Reading Challenge. But the reading challenge was only part of this pilot partnership. Since then, Wilson RAZ students have already read more than 15,000 books and we've worked closely with their team to train teachers and monitor student progress. "The students benefit because Raz-Kids is so interactive, and this is such an interactive generation," said 1st grade teacher, RuthAnn Smithrud. Two groups of 4th graders even did science fair experiments, testing the positive impact Raz-Kids is having across Wilson's 4th grade. RAZ


Level A
Level B
Level C
Level A Answer Sheet 
All Kinds of Faces 
Baby Animals 
Bird Goes Home 
Carlos Counts Kittens 
Carlos Goes to School 
Forest, The 
Fruit Colors 
Getting Dressed 
Going Places 
Hamster Home 
He Runs 
Hot and Cold 
I Can 
I Save Money 
I Set the Table 
In and Out 
Maria Counts Pumpkins 
Maria Goes to School 
Mom and I 
My Body 
My Dog 
My Face 
My Hair 
My Room 
Pond Animals 
The Rainstorm 
These Shoes 
This Is My Bear 
Up and Down 
We Can Make Sounds 
What I Like 
What Lives Here? 

Level B Answer Sheet 
Animal Coverings 
Animal Sounds 
Animals Can Move 
Bananas Sometimes 
Carlos and His Teacher 
Games We Play 
Go Animals Go 
Gracie's Nose 
How Many Legs? 
I Love the Earth 
I Pick Up 
I Read a Book 
It Is School Time 
It Is Spring 
Maria and Her Teacher 
Near and Far Away 
New Forest Path, The 
On the Farm 
Paint It Purple 
Picnic, The 
Playful Puppy 
Pond Life 
Taking the Bus 
Three Baby Birds 
Two Little Dicky Birds 
We Make Cookies 
We Pack a Picnic 
What Has These Feet? 
What Has These Spots? 
What Has These Stripes? 
What Has This Tail? 
Where Is Water? 
Winter Fun 
You and I 
You Can Go 

Level C Answer Sheet 
Allie and Ollie 
Animals of Canada, The 
Birthday Party 
Busy At School 
Different Kinds of Sharks 
Get In 
Go Away, Lily 
Going Away 
How Frogs Grow 
How Many Wheels? 
How Many? 
I Can Be 
I Looked Everywhere 
I Won't 
I Wonder 
Jack and Lily's Favorite Food 
Lucy Did It 
Making Salsa! 
Mongo and Cutie 
Open and Close 
Sherman Sure Is Shy 
Taking Turns 
We Count 
We Make a Snowman 
What Animals Eat 
What Do I Wear? 
What I Want 
What Is at the Zoo? 
When Is Nighttime? 
Who, Who, Who? 
Woodsy Band Jam, The 
Yummy, Yummy 

Level D
Level E
Level F
Level D Answer Sheet 
Animal Tongues 
Busy Pond, The 
Community Helpers 
Country Places 
Dollars and Cents 
Frog Is Hungry 
Getting Around the City 
Grow, Vegetables, Grow! 
I Count 100 Things 
I Like My Hair 
I Need An Eraser 
Lily the Cat 
Little Loon 
Maria's Halloween 
Mitten, The 
My Neighborhood 
My New School 
No, Lily, Don't! 
Our Good Night Story 
Polly Gets Out 
Sky High! 
Sky Is Falling, The 
Team, The 
To the Store 
To the Woods 
We Give Away 
Welcome Back, Butterflies 
What Do You See? 
Where Animals Live 
Where Plants Grow 
Why Can't I? 

Level E Answer Sheet 
A Sweet Tale 
All Kinds of Factories 
All Kinds of Farms 
Animals, Animals 
Bear and Kangaroo 
Carlos's First Halloween 
City Animals 
City Places 
Contest, The 
Country Animals 
Doctor Jen 
Four Seasons, The 
Getting Ready for School 
Grandparents Day 
Happy Birthday, Snag! 
Hooray for the Farmer's Market! 
I'd Like To Be 
In the Mountains 
Let's Make Lemonade 
Maddy Loves to March 
Make a Tree Friend 
Making Pizza 
Nothing for Father's Day 
Places Plants and Animals Live 
Police Officers 
Shapes in Tide Pools 
Shoes Men Wear 
Shoes Women Wear 
Storm, The 
Time For Bed 
Too Much Work! 
Vet, The 
Week With Grandpa, A 
What Is in the Box? 
What's for Dinner? 
When I Grow Up 

Level F Answer Sheet 
Best of Friends 
Changing Seasons 
Clown Face, A 
Community Workers 
Does It Sink or Float? 
Farm Friends 
Fishing with Grandpa 
Food Chain, The 
Friends in the Stars 
Gaggle, Herd, and Murder 
Hide and Seek with Zog 
How Do They Move? 
How Is the Weather Today? 
How to Make a Snow Person 
In a Chinese Garden 
Jobs for James 
Josh Gets Glasses 
Monster Reading Buddies 
Mother's Day 
Needs and Wants 
Night Animals 
Our Camping Trip 
Pet for Jupe, A 
Scaredy Crow 
Smart Crows 
Snowstorm, The 
Taste This 
Thank You, Everyone! 
Three Little Pigs, The 
Using Less Energy 
Weird White House Pets 
Where Is Cub? 

Level G
Level H
Level I
Level G Answer Sheet 
Animal Eyes 
Ants, Ants, and More Ants 
Beanie and the Missing Bear 
Billy Gets Lost 
Bonk's Bad Dream 
Bonk's Loose Tooth 
Camel and the Pig, The 
Carlos Joins the Team 
Chase, The 
Dogs at Work 
Food We Eat, The 
Going to the Dentist 
Gordon Finds His Way 
Groundhog Goes Outside 
Grow Tomatoes in Six Steps 
How Many Rhymes? 
I Bet I Can 
Let's Go to the Circus! 
Little Red Hen, The 
Long Ago and Today 
Maria Joins the Team 
Monster Halloween 
Monsters' Stormy Day 
My Day 
New Rule! 
Penny the Rude Penguin 
Places People Live 
Queen Ant's Birthday, The 
Rock Hunting 
Rude Robot 
Seed Grows, A 
Signs Are Everywhere 
This Is a Bird 
Troll Bridge 
What in the World Is That? 
Whose Eggs Are These? 

Level H Answer Sheet 
A Desert Counting Book 
Animals, Animals 
Anna and the Dancing Goose 
At a Touch Tank 
Butterfly Café 
Carlos's First Thanksgiving 
Club Monster 
Cool as a Cuke 
Day I Needed Help, The 
Earth's Water 
Friends Around the World 
Goats Are Great! 
Grasshopper's Gross Lunch 
How the Mice Beat the Men 
I Live in the City 
I'd Like To Be 
Legs, Wings, Fins, and Flippers 
Maria's Thanksgiving 
Math Test Mix-Up 
Monster Fish Tale, A 
Monsters on Wheels 
Moose on the Move 
Nami's Gifts 
Our Five Senses 
Owl and the Pussycat, The 
Pip, the Monster Princess 
Police Officers 
Sam's Fourth of July 
Ships and Boats 
Smaller and Smaller 
Spring Is Here 
Summer Olympics Events 
Tag-Along Goat 
Terell's Taste Buds 
Weird Bird Beaks 
Wing's Visit to Singapore 

Level I Answer Sheet 
100th Day Project, The 
Alistair's Night 
Arthur's Bad News Day 
Bonk and the Big Splash 
Bonk and the Lucky Buckeye 
Broken Leg for Bonk, A 
Building a Bridge 
Camping with Bonk 
Childhood Stories of George Washington 
Discovering Dinosaurs 
Extreme Insects 
Fantastic Flying Machines 
Goldilocks and the Other Three Bears 
Goldilocks and the Three Bears 
Healthy Me 
Hippo's Toothache 
How Glooskap Found Summer 
How to Make Paper 
Is That a Fish? 
Jane Goodall 
Life at the Pond 
Magic Bike, The 
Mike's Good Bad Day 
Monster Moving Day 
Monster Music 
Monster Pumpkins, The 
Monster Snow Day 
Monster Soccer 
Soup and a Sandwish 
Three Little Pigs, The 
Tian Tian, a Giant Panda 
Visit to the Zoo, A 
We Make Maple Syrup 
Why Robins Hop 
Winter Vacation 

Level J
Level K
Level L
Level J Answer Sheet 
Animal Skeletons 
Being Bilingual 
Bonk at the Barbershop 
Bonk's New Bike 
Bonk, the Healthy Monster 
Broken Arm Blues 
Can You Say Pterodactyl? 
Cinnamon Bun Mystery, The 
Darby's Birthday Party 
Disappearing Moon, The 
Feliz Navidad, Carlos! 
Garrett Morgan and the Traffic Signal 
Going to the Art Museum 
Hannah's Townspeople 
Heroes of September 11 
I'm the Tall One 
It's Cinco de Mayo, Carlos! 
Leopard, Ram, and Jackal 
Let's Make Shapes! 
Monster Cowboy 
Number Twelve 
Ocean Animals 
Riding With Rosa Parks 
Safe Biking with Dad 
Story of the Statue, The 
Thanksgiving the Jacks Built, The 
Thanksgiving the Other Jacks Built, The 
Uzzle, The Football Star 
Welcome, Carlos! 
What Pet Should You Get? 
When Bad Things Happen 
Whose Tracks Are These? 
Wonders of Nature 

Level K Answer Sheet 
All About Kites 
Animals, Animals 
Anna and the Magic Coat 
Barack Obama 
Carlos's Family Celebration 
Chickens in My Backyard 
Extreme Animals 
Fishing in the Rain 
Flying Kites 
Friends Around the World 
How Glooskap Found Summer 
How Zebras Got Their Stripes 
Hugs for Daddy 
I Fly Hot-Air Balloons 
I Love City Parks 
I'd Like To Be 
I'm Allergic to Peanuts 
It's About Time 
Lance and His Bicycle 
Leap! A Salmon's Story 
Maria's Family Celebration 
Migrating Geese 
Playing It Safe 
Police Officers 
Ratty Rats 
Sam's Fourth of July 
Ships and Boats 
Simple Machines 
Slithery and Slimy 
Squire's Bride, The 
Strange Plants 
Summer Olympics Events 
To the Circus 
To the Pumpkin Patch 
Where We Get Energy 

Level L Answer Sheet 
100th Day Project, The 
Ancient Egypt 
Anna and the Painted Eggs 
At Jacob's House 
Big Machines 
Catching Santa 
Colonial Life 
Crocs and Gators 
Deep in the Ocean 
Eggy's Easy Out 
Every Dog Has Its Day 
Fantastic Flying Machines 
George Washington Carver 
Goldilocks and the Other Three Bears 
Goldilocks and the Three Bears 
How Animals Sleep 
How to Make Ice Cream 
How We Measure 
I'm the Guest 
Igloo, The 
Independence Day 
Insect Life Cycle 
Introducing Planet Earth 
Jane Goodall 
Jessica Loves Soccer 
Joey's Stop Sign 
Maria's Family Christmas 
Noise in the Night 
Oil: A Messy Resource 
Power of Magnets, The 
Sending Messages 
Shoes Around the World 
Sign Language and Hand Talk 
Smelly Clyde 
Tinosaur, The 
Two Thanksgivings 
Valentine's Day 
Wonderful Winter 
World Holidays 

Level M
Level N
Level O
Level M Answer Sheet 
Aesop's Fables 
Art Around Us 
Arthur's Bad News Day 
Best Guess, The 
Day Before Thanksgiving, The 
Dogs at Work 
Endangered Birds 
Frogs and Toads 
Giant's Tale 
Hermit Crabs 
Hoppers Start School, The 
How Much Is a Trillion? 
How to Make Lemonade 
Inside Your Body 
Jack's Tale 
Keb Needs a Home 
Legend of John Henry, The 
Man of Vision, A 
Marcus Loses Patches 
Martin Luther King Jr. 
Mighty Glaciers 
Prairie Dog's Life, A 
Sleeping Dog, The 
Snow Camping 
Sometimes Friend, The 
Sound All Around 
Story of Jeans, The 
Story of the Statue, The 
Story of the Sun 
Three Little Pigs, The 
Umbrella Trick, The 
Vacation Time! 
You Stink! 

Level N Answer Sheet 
All About Kites 
Bedbugs Bite! 
Beyond the Five Senses 
Buffalo Hunt, The 
Celebrating Food and Family 
Colleen and the Leprechaun 
Coral Reefs 
Critter Crossings 
Crows Share a Pie 
Extreme Animals 
Fishing Derby, The 
Force of Water, The 
Horseshoes Aren't Just for Good Luck 
Introducing the Penny 
Let's Make Snowflakes! 
Luna Has Nothing to Wear 
Making Rice 
Memorial Day 
Mount Rushmore 
Mystery Wind, The 
Owen and the Tortoise 
Raven and the Flood 
Sam's Fourth of July 
Sammy Stuffit 
Secret Lives of Snails and Slugs, The 
Shepherd and the Fairy, The 
Sparky's Mystery Fortune 
St. Patrick's Day Mystery, The 
Totem Poles 
UpDown Boy, The 
Watching Earth From Space 
Weird Bird Beaks 

Level O Answer Sheet 
All About Chocolate 
Anansi and the Talking Watermelon 
Backpack Tax, The 
Baltic Rescue 
Barack Obama 
Beekeeper, The 
Dog's Tale, A 
George Washington Carver 
HeroRATs: Rats Who Save Lives 
Irma's Sandwich Shop 
Jane Goodall 
Jenny Loves Yoga 
Johnny Appleseed Heads West 
Katie's Forest Finds 
Li's Tangram Animals 
Little Red's Secret Sauce 
Magic of Migration, The 
Makusani's Lesson 
Meeting Father in Plymouth 
Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox 
Pecos Bill Rides a Tornado 
Pepper: The King of Spices 
Pluto's New Friends 
Rainy-Day Savings 
Sally Ride 
Salt Rocks! 
Saving the Last Wild Tigers 
Scotty's Spring Training 
Shadow People, The 
Spider Monkey's Question 
Summer Olympics Legends 
Three Little Pigs: The Wolf's Story 
Troika: Canine Superhero 
Wonders of Nature 
You're a Jellyfish! 

Level P
Level Q
Level R
Level P Answer Sheet 
100th Day Project, The 
About Trees 
Acropolis Adventure 
Art Around Us 
Becky's Puzzle Problem 
Breeds of Dogs 
Coyote and the Star 
Daniel Boone 
Deep Inside a Copper Mine 
Desert People 
Dogs at Work 
Fantastic Flying Machines 
Friends Around the World 
Giant Pandas 
Golden Tragedy, A 
Goldilocks and the Other Three Bears 
Goldilocks and the Three Bears 
Helen Keller 
History to Chew On 
Homework Lesson, The 
I Am the Hope Diamond 
Inside the Beast 
Landon's Pumpkins 
Late Night Chat with a Parakeet, A 
Martin Luther King Jr. 
Mona Lisa Mystery, The 
Musical Instruments 
Nation on Wheels, A 
Seals, Sea Lions, and Walruses 
Shelter Pets Are Best 
Sonia Joins the Supreme Court 
State Hermitage: Russia's Amazing Museum, The 
Steam Engine, The 
Story of the Statue, The 
Women of the Supreme Court 
World Cup Soccer 

Level Q Answer Sheet 
Amelia Earhart: A Legend in Flight 
Arthur's Bad News Day 
Castaway Pines, The 
Chili Pepper Powder Surprise 
Chinzaemon the Silent 
Coral Reefs 
Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Tsunamis 
Extreme Animals 
Famous First Ladies 
First Day of School 
Footprint, The 
Golden Flute, The 
Horseshoes Aren't Just for Good Luck 
How Glooskap Found Summer 
Legend of Nessie, The 
Little Fir Tree, The 
Mermaid in a Teacup 
Mike Van Zee, Special Olympian 
Morty and the Oatmeal Babysitter 
Morty and the Suitcase Caper 
Morty and the Teacher's Apples 
My Earth Day Birthday 
Mystery at Camp White Cloud 
New Soccer Ball, The 
On Eagle River 
Plight of the Polar Bear 
Robin Hood and the King 
Salmon: A Link in the Food Chain 
Summer Olympics Events 
Sweet Potato Challenge 
Three-R Plan, The 
Vincent's Bedroom 
Visit to Kitt Peak, A 
Walking in Roman Footsteps 

Level R Answer Sheet 
Alaska: The Last Frontier 
All About Kites 
Apple a Day, An 
Bessie Coleman 
Charlene's Sea of Cortez Journal 
Charly Dances 'til It Drops 
Charly Did It 
Charly's New Year's Revolution 
Expedition 25: The Subtropics 
Expedition 40: The Secret of the Seasons 
Expedition 60: The Subarctic 
Expedition Zero 
Explorer's Guide to World Weather 
Fishing in Simplicity 
Foods Around the World 
George Washington Carver 
Glow-in-the-Dark Animals 
Going to the Super Bowl 
Hard Stuff! All About Bones, The 
How the Robin Stole Fire 
Morty's Roadside Refreshments 
Murdoch's Path 
Neighborhood Mystery 
Olympics: Past and Present, The 
Only One Aunt Maggie 
Raining Cats, Dogs, and Other Animals 
Robin Hood Wins the Sheriff's Golden Arrow 
Sea Turtles 
September 11: Always Remember 
Ships and Boats 
Storm Chasers 
Thesaurus, The 
Treasure Found 
Turtle Tom 
Two Artists: Vermeer's Forger 
We're in Business 
Weird Bird Beaks 
Wildlife Rescue 
Wonders of Nature 

Level S
Level T
Level U
Level S Answer Sheet 
Animals Feel Emotions 
Barack Obama 
Big League for Little Players, A 
Bites and Stings 
Building Big Dreams 
Butterflies and Moths 
Chef Morty's Party Surprise 
Gems: Treasures from the Earth 
Ghosts in the House 
Harold the Dummy 
Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad 
How Little John Joined Robin Hood 
International T-Shirt Challenge, The 
Let a Smiley Face Be Your Umbrella 
Let's Make Vegetable Soup 
Losing Grandpa 
Making Mosaics 
Martin Luther King Jr. 
Monkey Business 
Moon Bowl, The 
Morty and the Fancy-Pants Wedding 
Morty and the Mousetown Talent Show 
National Parks 
Our Solar System 
Searching for the Loch Ness Monster 
Selection From Alice in Wonderland, A 
Seven Wonders of the Modern World 
Titanic: Lost and Found, The 
Trouble with English, The 
Two Kettles 
What the Boys Found 
What's in a Name? 
Wheeling the Snake 
Woolly and Fang 

Level T Answer Sheet 
Adventures with Abuela 
Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp 
Albert Einstein 
Alice's Birthday Cake 
Ants in My Bed 
Art Around Us 
Bats in the Attic 
Black Stones, The 
C Is for Canada 
Cali and Wanda Lou 
Caribou Man 
Carlos's Puzzle 
Cathy Freeman 
Desert People 
Deserts Dry 
Drums and Drumming 
Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Tsunamis 
Holidays Around the World 
Horseshoes Aren't Just for Good Luck 
Lance Armstrong 
Lighter Than Air 
Money in the USA 
Morty and the Mousetown Gazette 
My Secret Internet Friend 
Mysteries of the Lost Civilization 
Remembering the Alamo 
Ricardo's Dilemma 
Running for Freedom 
Sally's Secret Ambition 
Severe Weather 
Ships of Discovery 
Special Effects 
Titanic Treasure 
Trip to a Prehistoric Cave, A 
Weave it! 
Yee Haw! The Real Lives of the Cowboys 

Level U Answer Sheet 
All About Chocolate 
Amazing Amazon, The 
Bill of Rights, The 
Coral Reefs 
Deep Trouble: The Gulf Coast Oil Spill 
Don't Wake the Mummy 
Galapagos Wonder 
Get Moving! All About Muscles 
Great Gallardo's Books, The 
Growing Up Green 
Hard Stuff! All About Bones, The 
How Sound Works 
How to Build a Greenhouse 
Hubble: An Out-of-This-World Telescope 
Inuit: Northern Living, The 
Jr. Iditarod, The 
Jupiter's Secrets Revealed 
Meteors and Meteorites 
Mighty Saguaro Cactus, The 
Mystery in the Moonlight 
Page's School Report 
Pirate Ships and Flags 
Robin Hood Wins the Sheriff's Golden Arrow 
Samson: A Horse Story 
Seven Wonders You Can Visit 
Tanya's Money Problem 
Thomas Edison 
Veterans Day 
Weaving Around the World 
Wildlife Rescue 
Yellow Brick Roadies 

Level V
Level W
Level X
Level V Answer Sheet 
Adventure on the Amazon River 
Alternative Fuel Cars 
Ancient Cliff Dwellers 
Battle of the Alamo, The 
Book of Blood 
Calgary Stampede, The 
Case of the Vanishing Anasazi, The 
Everest: On Top of the World 
Female Sports Stars 
Fungus Among Us 
Gems: Treasures from the Earth 
Giant Insects 
Gossip Monster, The 
How Little John Joined Robin Hood 
In the Name of Discovery 
Jazz Greats 
Last Great Race, The 
Lost Dutchman, The 
Mexico's Fight for Independence 
Mirroring Miranda 
Mysterious Caves 
Natural Wonders of the World 
Roman Empire Faces Attila, The 
Sister Sleuth and the Silver Blaze 
Sun, The 
Treasure in the Puget Sound 
Tuskegee Airmen, The 
Two Kettles 
Word Smith, Private I 
Yosemite and the Badge 

Level W Answer Sheet 
Acropolis Adventure 
Adventure in Bear Valley 
Albert Einstein 
Alberto Salazar: An American Runner 
American Sports Legends 
Ben Franklin 
Black Stones, The 
Catching Air 
Climbing Mountains: An Interview with Erik Weihenmayer 
Desert People 
Discovery in the Americas? 
Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Tsunamis 
Electric Cars: History and Future 
Joe Kittinger: An Unsung Hero 
Mapping the Woods: Maps and Cartography 
Microbes: Friend or Foe? 
Miguel in the Secret Garden 
Mystery of Granville Library, The 
Ocean Quiz 
Olympics: Past and Present, The 
Otzi: The Iceman 
Pirates and Privateers 
Robin Hood and the King 
Scratching a Good Story 
Ships of Discovery 
Threats to Our Atmosphere 
To Drill or Not to Drill? 
World of NASCAR, The 
Yanomami: Deep in the Amazon, The 

Level X Answer Sheet 
Algonquins, The 
Amazing Undersea Food Web, The
Blues: More Than A Feeling, The 
Body Art 
Dust Bowl Disaster 
Early Moments in Rock Music History 
Eruption of Mount Shasta, The 
Grandpa Smoke Jumper 
Hard Stuff! All About Bones, The 
High-Speed Trains 
Internet, The 
Jacey Nova: Starship Pilot 
Malik Had a House 
Meeting Mrs. Pierce 
Miguel and King Arthur 
Money, Money, Money 
Mongol Empire, The 
Reef, The 
Rosalind Franklin's Beautiful Twist 
Saving the Salmon 
School Versus James Holt, The 
Seeds of Revolution 
Seeing the Evidence: Forensic Scientists at Work 
Story of Immigration, The 
Talking to Each Other 
The Gettysburg Address 
Transcontinental Railroad, The 
Up From Slavery 
What Makes You, You? 
Wildlife Rescue 
Your Road to the White House 
Zoos: Pro or Con? 

Level Y
Level Z
Level Y Answer Sheet 
9/11: A Dark Day 
Art of Photography, The 
Battling for Independence 
Believe It or Not? 
Born on Sable Island 
Escape from the Holocaust 
Fast Forward to the Future 
Firefighter, The 
Gems: Treasures from the Earth 
Haidas, The 
How Little John Joined Robin Hood 
In Huck's Shoes 
Leaving Home 
Legacy of da Vinci, The 
Life of Cesar Chavez, The 
Marco Polo and the Silk Road 
Meegor and the Master 
Miltie Math-head Takes the Mound 
Miltie Math-head: Football Hero? 
Mystery Twin, The 
Odysseus and the Bag of Winds 
Plate Tectonics 
Prehistoric Giants (Other Than Dinosaurs) 
Protests and Uprisings 
Robin Hood Wins the Sheriff's Golden Arrow 
Samuel de Champlain, Father of New France 
Seven Billion and Counting 
Ships of Discovery 
Story of Lewis and Clark Book 1: Up the Missouri River, The 
Story of Lewis and Clark Book 2: To the Pacific Ocean, The 
Two Kettles 
What Do You Think About Climate Change? 

Level Z Answer Sheet 
Abraham Lincoln: From Log Cabin to the White House 
Acropolis Adventure 
Adaptive Athletes 
Albert Einstein 
Apaches, The 
Black Stones, The 
Building a Nation 
Cherokees, The 
Cheyennes, The 
Christopher Columbus 
Ella Fitzgerald 
Energy Sources: The Pros and Cons 
Genetics at Work 
Great City Fires 
Historic Peacemakers 
Leo the Lion 
M Is for Mexico 
Message, The 
Microbes: Friend or Foe? 
Mystery of King Tut, The 
Native Americans of the Great Plains 
Olympics: Past and Present, The 
Prairies Alive! 
Private Spaceships 
Robin Hood and the King 
Selection From Robinson Crusoe, A 
Success Stories 
Symbiotic Wildlife 
Telescopes: Eyes on Space 
Word Smith, Private I "Rhyme Crime" 
Zoos Through the Ages 


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Raz-Kids library contains hundreds of books spanning 27 levels of difficulty, covering a wide range of subjects. Give your kids independence and ownership! They can access the site at home or at school, choose books from the virtual bookroom, decide on their reading pace, and even record themselves reading! Motivate kids to successfully complete online comprehension quizzes, which help kids progress from level to level and gives them an added incentive to succeed. Monitor students’ activity and progress online, build reading rosters, do online running records, and adjust assignments to maximize effectiveness. Raz-Kids is used during the school day and homework time. Once your child has read all the books on the ‘AA’ level Raz-Kids will automatically move your child to the next level.  Everyone starts at level ‘AA’, a very simple level; the next level is ‘A’.  At level ‘A’, and above, students will take a quiz on the story they listen to or read.  Once all the quizzes are passed at A level, Raz-Kids will move the student to the next level.   

Saturday, August 25, 2012


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Friday, August 24, 2012


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Thursday, August 23, 2012


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Monday, August 20, 2012


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